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NNP Celebrates World Teachers Day and International Day of the Girl

The National Numeracy Programme (NNP) joined the world in celebrating all teachers on 5th October 2023 with this year’s theme "The Teachers We Need for the Education We Want: The Global Imperative to Reverse the Teacher Shortage.” Meet Jonathan Lungani and Cecilia Mhango, primary school teachers from Chibavi Primary School in Mzuzu, Malawi as they shared their World Teachers Day message on this link:

World Teacher’s Day reminds us of teachers' critical role in building a brighter tomorrow. Let us honour and support our educators, working tirelessly to provide quality education to all. Together, we can ensure every child has access to the education they deserve.

The International Day of the Girl (IDG), observed annually on 11 October, is a global platform to advocate for the full spectrum of girls’ rights. NNP celebrated this special day by having a chat with Manisha Banda whose love for Mathematics gives her all the confidence that she will become a Nurse when she grows up. Watch her video here by following this link:

Manisha Banda